Create an image of a whiskey bottle with an ornate label saying 'ANXIETY' on a simple table in the center of an empty prison cell. The atmosphere is gloomy and foreboding, with the bottle and a glass of whiskey being the only items on the table. No chains this time. The light is dim, casting long shadows and enhancing the oppressive feeling of the cell. The bottle's label is a work of art, beautifully contrasting with the stark, cold surroundings. The room's barrenness should be palpable, evoking a strong sense of isolation and anxiety. The perspective should be wide, captured in a 16:9 aspect ratio, to fully convey the emptiness and confinement of the prison cell setting.

DALL·E 2023-11-08 11.17.33 - Create an image of a whiskey bottle with an ornate label saying 'ANXIET


Create an image of a whiskey bottle with an ornate label saying 'ANXIETY' on a simple table in the center of an empty prison cell. The atmosphere is gloomy and foreboding, with the bottle and a glass of whiskey being the only items on the table. No chains this time. The light is dim, casting long shadows and enhancing the oppressive feeling of the cell. The bottle's label is a work of art, beautifully contrasting with the stark, cold surroundings. The room's barrenness should be palpable, evoking a strong sense of isolation and anxiety. The perspective should be wide, captured in a 16:9 aspect ratio, to fully convey the emptiness and confinement of the prison cell setting.

Added to Whiskey7 months ago

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