Create an image of a vast fantasy landscape at the moment of twilight. The heavens are awash with the last glimmers of the sun, casting a gradient of deep blue to fiery red across the sky. A silhouette of a dense, primeval forest stretches towards the horizon, punctuated by the occasional towering tree that rises above the rest. A network of cliffs and ravines adds to the drama of the landscape, with waterfalls cascading into sparkling rivers that flow into a distant, shimmering sea. Mysterious ruins, remnants of an ancient civilization, are half-buried along the forest's edge, hinting at forgotten stories. The landscape is wild and majestic, free of any characters, showcasing the raw and untouched splendor of a world where nature reigns supreme.

DALL·E 2023-11-09 09.26.21 - Create an image of a vast fantasy landscape at the moment of twilight.


Create an image of a vast fantasy landscape at the moment of twilight. The heavens are awash with the last glimmers of the sun, casting a gradient of deep blue to fiery red across the sky. A silhouette of a dense, primeval forest stretches towards the horizon, punctuated by the occasional towering tree that rises above the rest. A network of cliffs and ravines adds to the drama of the landscape, with waterfalls cascading into sparkling rivers that flow into a distant, shimmering sea. Mysterious ruins, remnants of an ancient civilization, are half-buried along the forest's edge, hinting at forgotten stories. The landscape is wild and majestic, free of any characters, showcasing the raw and untouched splendor of a world where nature reigns supreme.

Added to Phone Wallpapers7 months ago

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